Posted by: amicusgselection | Tuesday, October 20th, 2009

The passing of Graham Goddard

Dear Unite Members,

Irrespective of what political beliefs you may hold, what former section you came from, or what faction you may think you belong to, the passing over of a trade unionist is a sad event.

It is not only sad for both family and close friends, but sad for the trade union movement as a whole, as without a wide spectrum of beliefs, perceptions, and experiences, we fail to formulate the robust debates and policies which make our union movement what it is.

Some wise trade union leaders have said that “within our movement we have more which unites us, than divides us…” and they are correct.

Our past journeys may be different and we may not always wish to take the same path going forward, but our destinations and objectives are always the same, to try and meet the needs and expectations of all our members to the betterment of us all.

This post is in memory of a trade unionist, Mr. Graham Goddard, and a reminder to us all that life is too short, and as trade unionists our work will never be complete, we will always need one more week, one more day, one more hour, or one more minute, and at some point in time, that minute will sadly be taken away from us…


See for more details.

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